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May 23, 2017

Making your security camera as smart as you are.

When traditional alarms go off, the first call is to you. You have to look, decide if there’s something going on, decide to call the police. Sometimes they come, sometimes they don’t if there isn’t video verification of a break-in. It can get messy.

Kuna AI, the Smartest Home Security Yet

What if you could have home security that was as smart as you are?

It should know who you are, and who your family members are. It should know the difference between the delivery person and the babysitter. And most of all, it should recognize when something suspicious is happening, so that the authorities can be notified immediately, with the proper video evidence so they’re sure to respond.

Kuna AI detects people and vehicles

We’re not quite there yet, but we are taking the first step on that path. Introducing Kuna AI, the smartest home security yet. Here at Kuna, we’re building a full-featured AI platform for home security, an AI that will soon make your home security system as smart as you are.

The fundamental building block for a home security AI is the ability to tell  aperson apart from cars and other sources of motion. The current iteration of Kuna AI is now available to ‘Absolute Control’ Premium plan subscribers.

Most camera systems work by simply detecting motion, whether with the camera or an infrared motion sensor. This means they’re susceptible to false alarms from things like flags waving in the wind, fast-moving clouds, trees, and more.

We were aware of this issue, which is why the first generation of Kuna Powered Devices combined both visual motion detection on the camera with infrared motion detection to reduce the number of false alarms. We knew this approach was better than anything else available, but still that it is just the beginning.

Kuna AI is based on neural networks

That’s why for the past year we have been working on Kuna AI. Kuna AI uses sophisticated artificial neural networks to perform object recognition. Instead of detecting motion, it is able to look at an image and tell if it is seeing a person, car, or some other object.

These artificial neural networks are designed using deep learning and are based on the human visual cortex. They’ve been trained on tens of thousands of images of different objects and will improve over time as they’re exposed to more data.

At this time, we are rolling out Kuna AI to our Absolute Control Premium plan subscribers with a roll out of additional features to Absolute Control subscribers this summer, and wide availability to all Kuna premium plan subscribers this fall.

This is only the first step. Being able to identify what is a person and what is a car is the first building block for a wide range of capabilities. The home security AI of the future will be able to recognize your family, delivery people, and criminals, and we’ll be working towards all of that. Stay tuned!

Haomiao Huang,
CTO and Co-Founder

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